GRA の「企画ノート」です


画像公開していきます / We will be posting Images

GRAの広報資料の作成を進めていた時、「オートバイで走行している画像が少ない」という事に気付きました。 オートバイを走らせる事が当たり前になり過ぎて、広報用の資料にさえ殆ど掲載していなかった事に気付かなかったのです。そこで、次回作成の広報用資料に掲載するのとは別に、GRAの事をあまり知らない人の為に、走行中の画像を少しずつ公開していく事にしました。きっと、楽しんでもらえると思います。

When I was preparing the PR materials for GRA, I noticed that there were few images of motorcycles in motion. Riding motorcycles has become so commonplace that I didn't realize that I hardly ever included them in the PR materials. So, apart from including them in the next PR materials, I decided to gradually release images of GRA in motion for people who don't know much about it. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.




Also, to let people who have the misconception that GRA is all about motorbikes know that we have had many different ways of having fun, with motorbikes at the core, we will occasionally post images like this one. This is a scene from the Gymkhana Party "White Party" (held in conjunction with the Gymkhana Grand Prix) held in April 1995. The dress code for the party was "white," so this person attended in a wedding dress. Furthermore, at subsequent parties, even more extreme (?) costumes have appeared, so please look forward to them.



ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.