GRA の「企画ノート」です


「支援金」窓口の公開準備中です / Preparing to open the "Support Fund" window

一般的な会社法人の様に利益を追求する法人ではなく、元々、利益を求める事は考慮せず、社会貢献の為に設立した法人です。ですから、GRAの様に小さな NPO法人の多くは債務超過、つまり、赤字を覚悟で運営されています。その極端なNPO法人の代表例は、法人の最終目的が異なるので比較は出来ませんが、AI の ChatGPT の開発で有名な OpenAI で、今年も 50億ドル(約 7700億円)の赤字が見込まれています。
【 GRA、2023年度会計報告 】

各種SNSへの投稿記事や Youtube での公開動画に対して、「いいよ」とか「大切だね」という皆さんからの反応が私達にとって大きな励みになっているのと同様に、「応援しているよ」という気持ちを受け止める窓口を増やしたいからです。

以上の理由から、気が向いた人が、気が向いた時に、一口 100円から、気軽に送金をして、「応援しているよ」の気持ちを、郵便局や銀行の窓口へ行かなくても、気軽に届けられるシステムを予定しています。


Currently, we are preparing to disclose the bank accounts to which the money will be remitted for those who are willing to support GRA's activities with "support money". That said, I will tell you at the beginning that there is no idea of "I'm in the red, so please give me money."
The main reason for this is that GRA is a non-profit organization, that is, a non-profit organization.
It is not a corporation that pursues profits like a general corporate corporation, but a corporation that was originally established for social contribution without considering the pursuit of profits. Therefore, many small NPOs like GRA are operating in the form of insolvency, that is, in the red. A representative example of that extreme NPO corporation is not comparable because the ultimate purpose of the corporation is different, but OpenAI, which is famous for the development of AI ChatGPT, is expected to have a deficit of $ 5 billion (about 770 billion yen) this year as well.
[ GRA Fiscal Year 2023 Accounting Report ]

The second reason is to increase the number of contact points for people to feel that they are supporting you.
In the same way that we are greatly encouraged by the responses from people who say "It's okay" or "It's important" to articles posted on various social media sites and videos published on Youtube, we want to increase the number of points of contact that accept the feeling of "I support you."

For the above reasons, we are planning a system that allows people who feel like it to easily send money from 100 yen per bite when they feel like it, and can easily deliver the feeling of "I support you" without having to go to the post office or bank counter.
Now, I will report back to you.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.